The KISS IV count is in no way affiliated with Fred Renzey. The inspiration does certainly come from his work which can be found in Blackjack Bluebook II, which is recommend for any aspiring blackjack player. With that said, here is the KISS IV count.
Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency:
.62 Insurance Correlation: .87
Level 1, unbalanced
As can be
seen above, the KISS IV count has stats that rival a level two
balanced count, yet remains a level 1 unbalanced. This is made
possible by taking the strengths of the KISS II and KISS III counts
and combining them into one count.
Initial Running Count By Number Of Decks
1 Deck -
2 Deck -
4 Deck -
6 Deck - 9
8 Deck –
Betting Ramp (in units)
Running Count
1 Deck
2 Deck
4 Deck
6 Deck
8 Deck
19 and Below
2 to 3
2 to 3
2 to 5
2 to 4
2 to 5
4 to 5
6 to 7
5 to 8
6 to 9
8 to 9
9 to 11
10 to 11
The Side Count
The only difference between II and III is that III counts the Aces
and 7's, where as II does not. So if a side count of Aces
vs 7's is kept, that can be added that to the running count for betting purposes
and only use the black 2's, 3's, 4', 5's, 6's, and 10's for the main
KISS IV Card Ranks
Black 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = +1
10 = -1
7 = A, B, C, D . . . (or fingers and toes if you
= Z, Y, X, W . . .
side count is used as follows:
. . Y=-2, Z=-1, 0, A=1, B=2 . . .
Remember the side count is a ratio, not two separate
side counts.
As an example; off the top of a six deck shoe the cards
come out 3, 7, 5, 9, 10, 7, Ace. The count would start at 9, the
initial running count for a six deck game. The count would then go
10, 10A, 11A, 11A, 10A, 10B, 10A.
For betting purposes the running count would be 11. 10
+ A = 11.
For playing and insurance decisions the count is still
KISS users don't have to convert it's essentially just keeping two
running counts and doing simple addition or subtraction before making
the bet.
Estimating The Advantage
the charts below KISS III and KISS IV are interchangeable.
issue is KISS III a lot of times will overestimate the advantage
early in the shoe and underestimate it towards the end of a shoe.
Luckily Daniel Dravot in The Color of Blackjack has shown an easy way to
solve that problem using a warm and cold line ramp.
in the shoe the max bet is being played before it should be (assuming
a max bet at a +3 true count). This can easily be solved by
memorizing a couple numbers.
At the beginning of a 6 deck
shoe max bet should be placed at RC 27 or higher and lowered by 1
with each deck remaining.
Conversely there is a slight
advantage off the top of a shoe at RC 15 and this number will rise by
1 for every deck played. This will help notice advantages much
the chart above, it is shown that the KISS III normally wants to
raise bets at a running count of 20. Unfortunately that misses a lot
of opportunities early on in the shoe (keep in mind "warm line"
is a +1 True Count, a very slight advantage in most games.)
the game conditions are sub par it is recommended to wait for a +1.5
true count before raising bets. These numbers rise by half running
counts so this works better if all 2's are counted as .5. They start
at 18, 18.5, 19, 19.5, 20, 20.5. (Round the numbers up if only
counting black 2's.) - NOTE: This group
should be used if only playing H17 games.
The Insurance Decision
is normally taken at the running of 25 when using KISS III. However,
that's just an all around compromise. Normally, insurance would be
taken at a +3 true count which varies as decks are played.

the chart above, it is seen that, other than two decks in, a running
count of 25 will be slightly off from making the correct insurance
call. The solution to this is very simple. Off
the top of a 6 deck shoe insurance should be taken at 27 or above,
and then reduced by 1 for every deck played. This is identical to the
max bet ramp.
Index Ramps
is the least important section for this count, and in all honesty, a
player would be just fine memorizing the index plays. If one wants
to squeeze every last bit of power out of the .62 playing efficiency,
then this is how it's done. This is touched on in Fred Renzey's book
Blackjack Bluebook II, but gets overlooked more than it should.

Here is a few of the one's that are listed in Fred's book (don't worry, I asked permission) and as can be seen, they group together to make it easier.
16 V 10 and 12 V 4 - 10,12,14,16,18,19
12 V 6, 13 V 2, and 9 V 3 - 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
V 5, 13 V 3, 10 V 9 - -3, 1, 5, 9, 13, 17
may find the challenge of using a side count to be too daunting of a
task. If that's the case, then using a level 2 balanced count is a
great method. For those that do not enjoy true counting, but have
the ability to keep two running counts this method will give the
power needed to compete with the best counts out there. It all comes
down to personal preference, and there is no wrong way to go.
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