Levels of Counts
A card counting strategy is not only labeled balanced or unbalanced, but also by what level it is. The level is determined by the tags given to the ranks in the system. For example, the KISS III count has tags of -1, 0, and +1. So KISS III is a level 1 count. A count such as Hi Opt II, which is actually the count featured in the movie The Hangover, has tags of -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2, therefore, is described as a level 2 count. There is no limit to the number of levels a count can have, but once you cross the threshold of a level 3, or even a level 2, there are very diminishing returns involved. I personally would recommend sticking with a level 2 or below.
Count To Choose From
There are many counts out there to choose from, and for a beginner, navigating all the information can be very hard. One thing to remember is that for a casual player the difference between the counts will be very minimal. Choose what you're comfortable with, not which is the most powerful. For someone who plans on putting in many hours then they should probably go with a slightly stronger count. The counts I'm about to list aren't the only ones out there, but they are some of the best ones, but you should always research yourself to see what truly fits you.
Beginner's Counts
KISS III - Stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid and is the third variation of the count. There are four other counts in the book (including the ace ten front count), but there really shouldn't be any need to use KISS I and II. KISS III is an unbalanced level 1 count which focuses primarily on betting. This count is great for shoe games.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency: .56 Insurance Correlation: .78
KO - Stands for Knock Out Blackjack and is an unbalanced, level 1 count. This count focuses on betting and is best suited to shoe games.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency: .55 Insurance Correlation: .78
Hi Lo - This count, which is the most common of all counts, and has been featured in movies such as 21, is a level 1 balanced count. Since it is balanced it can be effective for both shoe and pitch games, and is is the count used by many teams.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .97 Playing Efficiency: .51 Insurance Correlation: .76
Red Seven - This count is an unbalanced, level 1 count very similar to the KISS III count. This count is great for shoe games.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency: .54 Insurance Correlation: .78
REKO - Stands for "Really Easy K.O." This count is great for beginners, and it is in a free ebook. The creator is also responsible for some really great card counting software, and is very open to answering questions personally. This is a level 1, unbalanced count.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency: .55 Insurance Correlation: .78
Advanced Counts
Hi Opt II - This is an advanced, balanced, level 2 count designed primarily for pitch games, although it can be used in shoe games. This count has been found to outperform many level 3 counts. I personally use this count when playing double deck games and I find it to be great. The count can be made even stronger by adding an Ace Side count. Don't let the betting correlation stat below fool you, that is figured without the ace side count.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .91 Playing Efficiency: .67 Insurance Correlation: .91
Mentor Count - A balanced, level 2 count that is featured in the same book as the KISS III count. This is a very good count that can be used in both shoe and pitch games. True counting with this count is made slightly easier by the fact that you divide by the number of double decks remaining.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .97 Playing Efficiency: .62 Insurance Correlation: .80
Zen Count - A balanced, level 2 count that is featured in the same book as the Red Seven count. This is a very popular count, and can be used for both shoe games and pitch games.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .96 Playing Efficiency: .63 Insurance Correlation: .85
KISS IV - An unbalanced, level 1 count that I came up with that mixes the best part of KISS II and III into a count that can rival level 2, balanced counts. While this count does not require true counting, it may be harder for some individuals as it does involve a side count. I will break this count down in a future article.
Stats: Betting Correlation: .98 Playing Efficiency: .62 Insurance Correlation: .87
As I said before, there are many other great counts out there, but these are the ones that I personally recommend for people to learn.
Bankroll Management
Since bankroll management is covered by so many other sources I'm just going to give a brief guideline to follow. Have 1000 units of whatever minimum bet you are planning in your bankroll at all times. That means that if you want to play a $10 minimum bet, then you need to have a $10,000 bankroll. There are ways to mitigate this, however, such as playing on a replenishable bankroll, lowering minimum bet size, gaining a larger edge in your game, or wonging out.
That will be the end of the Basics of Card Counting
series. If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment or go to my forum and ask there!
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